
Showing posts from March, 2014

Celebrating My Father

I don't take my time with my dad for granted. Never for several years now. Since he was diagnosed with his debilitating illness OPCA--the translation of which refers to the 3 areas of his brain that are permanently degenerating... Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy . So nearly every year (or every other), I've traveled to the Philippines to remind him in person...of my immense love for him. His one and only daughter.   Our Welcoming Party: Just months after my father and Flor moved back to the Philippines, my brothers, their partners, and I would be greeted by an enthusiastic Papa. Here, one of the symptoms of his illness (i.e.facial palsy) is overshadowed by his joy in seeing his children. Bright beautiful sunrays flood my Father's room, where he spends 90% of his time.   Flor sleeps in the bed adjacent to my father's hospital bed, so that she can brace his arm or hold his hand when she rests. (Have I mentioned what a Godsend she is? Well.  She is.)  To the righ